Sara's Priorities for THE DISTRICT
Sara is committed to continuing to lead on issues regarding equitable allocation of resources across the district, environmental and financial sustainability, and robust programs for all interests and abilities
Equitable Allocation of Resources
Sara will ensure transparency about the districts income and expenses and will use an equity lens to ensure parks and programs are spread fairly across the district.
Environmental and Financial sustainability
Sara has a strong track record of environmental stewardship. She has also lead efforts at the state and city level to ensure the long-term financial health of jurisdictions.
Robust Programs
Having lead programs for youth, adults, and seniors, Sara has the skills to work with the community to develop recreation opportunities that are as diverse as our community and reflective of the needs in the 2023 and beyond.
With a proven track record of success, Sara Lamnin is an easy vote for HARD.
Sara is serious about PLAY:
Programs (Mental health and funding sustainability)
Livability (includes Parks and sustainability)
Accessibility (ADA and location)
Sara is serious about PLAY:
Programs (Mental health and funding sustainability)
Livability (includes Parks and sustainability)
Accessibility (ADA and location)
Paid for by: Lamnin for Hayward City Council 2022| 1090 B Street, #130 Hayward, CA 94541 | FPPC#:1365235